operated by 'Lonex'

Semi dedicated server hosting

Having more surplus provisions and freedom for your web pages is always an advantageous option. The semi dedicated servers hosting accounts delivered by 'Lonex' are completely fitted with everything bigger online blogs would necessitate for faster web site loading times under heavy Internet traffic circumstances. Matched with VPS web hosting accounts, the semi-dedicated server services also offer unlimited domain name hosting options, but carry a lot more CPU and web hosting server independence, because of the less hosting account holders utilizing the same quite dependable semi-dedicated server. Furthermore, you still receive the semi-dedicated server web hosting industry’s best web hosting CP - Hepsia. As a standard tool, at no additional cost. You will tremendously value the easy-to-work-with File Manager, the Domain Manager and the Email Manager, the Single-click App Installation Tool and the Site Creation Tool platforms.

Feature Overview Semi-dedicated Plus Semi-dedicated Pro
Monthly Cost
Disk Space Unlimited Unlimited
Web Traffic Unlimited Unlimited
Maximum Server CPU Usage 100% 200%
MySQL Queries 90 000 / hour 130 000 / hour
MySQL 5 DBs Unlimited Unlimited
MySQL Server Space Unlimited Unlimited
Dedicated IP Address
Hosted Site Names Unlimited Unlimited
E-mails Unlimited Unlimited
FTP Accounts Unlimited Unlimited
Single-click App Installation Tool
Site Creation Tool
Free Site Layouts
Uninterrupted Service Operation